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Comprehensive Holistic Health Care in Atlanta

Tree of Light Health offers a compassionate, holistic approach to addressing chronic health issues through a blend of Traditional, Biological, Functional, and Integrative Medicine. Located in Atlanta, Georgia, we specialize in treating conditions such as hormone imbalances, gut issues, Lyme disease, mold toxicity, and more.



Our life’s work and passion are to help people struggling with chronic health challenges to receive the proper care they deserve”. — Martin Van Lear, BS, BSN, MSN, FNP-C

Each of us can be viewed as an open, complex, and integrated system that has various layers: physical, energetic, mental/emotional, intuitive, and spiritual. Therefore, each patient is unique and requires individualized biological and emotional support. I use a combination of Biological Medicine, Integrative and Functional Medicine to provide compassionate care to those who are suffering from chronic illness and/or to help others reach their fullest potential. I have had the great good fortune of learning from many great Integrative/Functional and Holistic doctors around the country and around the world. The following highlights my experience:

Highly proficient in Advanced Biofeedback techniques, such as the Autonomic Response Technique taught by Dr. Klinghardt Ph.D. MD and Field Control Therapy to unlock deeper levels of healing. Up-to-date on all of Dr. Klinghardt MD, Ph.D.’s latest protocols for chronic illness.
Trained in Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI), a profound healing modality that encourages immune tolerance and a lowering of immune reactivity to multiple foods, environmental toxins, chemicals, pathogens, etc.